2 min readFeb 2, 2021

The frequently searched word on the web and most commonly asked question by anybody and everybody is “How to be successful?”

Success has a very different meaning for different people. It mainly depends on the type of their job and also their talents. But, what pervades everything in this scenario is “MERAKI”.

Now you would ask me “What is this meraki?”

I also did not know that a word like this exists, till a few days ago, one of my senior colleagues complimented me and said that he adores the way I do every job with meraki. I was pleased to get the compliment but did not know what it means. So I started reading and found this.

Meraki, a verb, or adverb, a Modern Greek word, derived from the Turkish “Merak” (Labor of love, to do something with pleasure), is applied to tasks, usually, creative or artistic tasks, but can be applied to any task at all.

Meraki means doing something with passion, with absolute devotion, with undivided attention. Working with meraki produces a perfect job done. Singing with meraki transforms the soul.

This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe the soul, creativity or love you put into something; the essence of yourself you put into your work.

Meraki is to put your soul into something, to put a little bit of yourself into it, be it singing, dancing, or painting, or anything else that you do.

It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work. Just like, when there is an unseen unsaid signature of you in every task that you perform. When you love doing something, anything, so much that you put something of yourself into it.

Putting Meraki into action is not intentional. It should come from within. Automatically. This can happen only when you love the work that you are doing. When you are sincere with your efforts, without expecting rewards and returns. When the creative perfection consumes you, and you are absorbed in your creation.

How can you apply this principle for improving your outcomes? Love your job. Find the work you love to do and then create an income source around it. Becoming an engineer or doctor will not make you successful if your heart is not into it.

So, listen to your heart, take advice from your elders and complete the chores at hand with “Meraki”. The world will be yours!!!

